Writeup - Happy Birthday (ASVCTF 2022)
ASVCTF 2022 - Happy Birthday Writeup
- Type - Web
- Name - Happy Birthday
- Points - 300
1 | Cowabunga dudes and dudettes. |
When you navigate to a hosted instance, all you see is a very simple page:

Any input you place is shown on the page (such as the value test
, seen below). Note that XSS payloads don’t work since the <
and >
characters are properly escaped.

At this point, it wasn’t clear if the input was going through any sort of server-side check, or if the vulnerability was present elsewhere, but I tried a Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) payload anyway. The most simple payload to test is {{7*7}}
, and if you see 49
as the result instead of {{7*7}}
, then you know that the values inside are being processed as code. After trying this, I saw the value Happy Birthday 49!
reflected, meaning it was vulnerable to SSTI!
A quick check of the response headers showed the Server
set to Werkzeug/1.0.1 Python/2.7.14
, meaning we had to use a Python SSTI payload to get RCE. I copied a simple RCE payload from the internet ({{"foo".__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()[182].__init__.__globals__['sys'].modules['os'].popen("ls").read()}}
) to run my code and get the output. After a little looking around, I found that the flag was stored in /
, so the command cat /flag.txt
Solve Script
Here is my automated exploit in Python:
1 | import requests |
Flag: ASV{f31d34e2b726b385741db15fec005661}